Web Services


The SAMUEL web service is desployed in http://samuel.iaia.lcc.uma.es/samuelExternal.

Many operations returns the DistributionMedea bean. This class has two String lists, one with values and the other with probabilities (the value of position i has the probability of position i).



void reportEvidence(String idLRRequest, String idStudentLR, String activity, 
                    String data,        String mark,        String resource)


Record a new activity score (evidence) of a student about a specific concept in the specified date.


  • idLRRequest: ID of the Learning Resource which does the request.
  • idStudentLR: student ID.
  • activity: activity ID.
  • date: date formatted as dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss. Leave it empty to use the current server date.
  • mark: score.
  • resource: resource identifier that generates the evidence: 1 - Component, 2 - Teacher, 3 - Student.


void reportEvidences(String idLRRequest, String idStudentLR, String marksXML)


Record a set of evidences (xml file) of a student.


  • idLRRequest: ID of the Learning Resource which does the request.
  • idStudentLR: Student ID.
  • marksXML: XML string with the set of evidences.

XML File:

  • The XML file must have the next structure(DTD):

  <!ELEMENT Marks (Mark+)>
                 mark     CDATA #REQUIRED 
                 activity CDATA #REQUIRED
                 resource CDATA #REQUIRED>

The date field must be in the next format: "dd-mm-YYYY HH:mm:ss". Example: "22-02-2010 17:12:00".
The resource field must be one of these values: 1 (Component), 2 (Teacher) or 3 (Student).


void reportActivity(String  idLRRequest, String idActivity,  String nameActivity, 
                    String  evalTypeXML, String conceptsXML, Integer relevance,
                    Boolean ignore)


Record a new activity.


  • idLRRequest: ID of the Learning Resource which does the request.
  • idActivity: Activity ID.
  • nameActivity: Activity name.
  • evalTypeXML: XML string with the information about the activity evaluation.
  • conceptsXML: XML string associating concepts to this activity.
  • relevance Activity relevance (difficulty) (1 - low, 2 - medium, 3 - high, null - default). The more relevance the more knowledge is needed to do it allright.
  • ignore: Indicates whether the activity will be taken into account or not when the student model generare.

evalTypeXML File:

The file must have the next structure(DTD), in case that the evaluation is done with real numbers (the only one supported in version 1.1):

  <!ELEMENT DataType>	
  <!ATTLIST type (Real) #REQUIRED 
              lowerBoundary CDATA #REQUIRED 
              upperBoundary CDATA #REQUIRED >


  <DataType type="Real" lowerBoundary="0" upperBoundary="100"></DataType>

conceptsXML File:

The file must have the next structure(DTD):

  <!ELEMENT Ontology (Concept+)>
  <!ELEMENT Concept(EMPTY)>


<Ontology url="http://urano.lcc.uma.es/samuel/ontologias/HogarDigital.owl">
  <Concept id="B0102" relevance="75" />
  <Concept id="B0801" relevance="50" />


DistributionMedea requestKnowledge(String idLRRequest,          String idStudentLR, String concept, 
                                   List<String> idLRReportList, String urlOntology, Calendar date, 
                                   int windowSize,              int windowType,     int method)


Get student model of a student. All evidences have the same weight.


  • idLRRequest: ID of the Learning Resource which does the request.
  • idStudentLR: Student ID.
  • concept: Concept ID.
  • idLRReportList: List of the learning resources (IDs) whose evidences will be used to infer the model.
  • urlOntology: URL of the concept Ontology (Owl).
  • date: Student Model date.
  • windowSize: Window size (days or evidences number, depending of the parameter windowType) which we assume that student's knowledge doesn't change.
  • windowType: Kind of window: 1 to window kind evidences number and 2 to window kind number of days.
  • method: Method of evidences accumulation (inference): 1 to Graded Response Model and 2 to Bayes.


Student's knowledge in distributed format.


DistributionMedea requestKnowledgeWeighted(String idLRRequest,          String idStudentLR, String concept, 
                                           List<String> idLRReportList, String urlOntology, Calendar date, 
                                           int windowSize,              int windowType,     int method)


Get student model of a student. The more recents evidences have more weight.


  • idLRRequest: ID of the Learning Resource which does the request.
  • idStudentLR: Student ID.
  • concept: Concept ID.
  • idLRReportList: List of the learning resources (IDs) whose evidences will be used to infer the model.
  • urlOntology: URL of the concept Ontology (Owl).
  • date: Student Model date.
  • windowSize: Window size (days or evidences number, depending of the parameter windowType) which we assume that student's knowledge doesn't change.
  • windowType: Kind of window: 1 to window kind evidences number and 2 to window kind number of days.
  • method: Method of evidences accumulation (inference): 1 to Graded Response Model and 2 to Bayes.


Student's knowledge in distributed format.


DistributionMedea requestGroupKnowledge(String idLRRequest,          List<String> group, String concept, 
                                        List<String> idLRReportList, String urlOntology, Calendar date, 
                                        int windowSize,              int windowType,     int method, 
                                        boolean removeEmptyStudents)


Get student model of a group of students. All evidences have the same weight.


  • idLRRequest: ID of the Learning Resource which does the request.
  • group: List of student IDs.
  • concept: Concept ID.
  • idLRReportList: List of the learning resources (IDs) whose evidences will be used to infer the model.
  • urlOntology: URL of the concept Ontology (Owl).
  • date: Student Model date.
  • windowSize: Window size (days or evidences number, depending of the parameter windowType) which we assume that student's knowledge doesn't change.
  • windowType: Kind of window: 1 to window kind evidences number and 2 to window kind number of days.
  • method: Method of evidences accumulation (inference): 1 to Graded Response Model and 2 to Bayes.
  • removeEmptyStudents: If the value is true it ignores the students without evidences, if the value is false it takes into account the students without evidences.


Student model of the group in distributed format.


DistributionMedea requestGroupKnowledgeWeighted(String idLRRequest,          List<String> group, String concept, 
                                                List<String> idLRReportList, String urlOntology, Calendar date, 
                                                int windowSize,              int windowType,     int method, 
                                                boolean removeEmptyStudents)


Get student model of a group of students. The more recents evidences have more weight.


  • idLRRequest: ID of the Learning Resource which does the request.
  • group: List of student IDs.
  • concept: Concept ID.
  • idLRReportList: List of the learning resources (IDs) whose evidences will be used to infer the model.
  • urlOntology: URL of the concept Ontology (Owl).
  • date: Student Model date.
  • windowSize: Window size (days or evidences number, depending of the parameter windowType) which we assume that student's knowledge doesn't change.
  • windowType: Kind of window: 1 to window kind evidences number and 2 to window kind number of days.
  • method: Method of evidences accumulation (inference): 1 to Graded Response Model and 2 to Bayes.
  • removeEmptyStudents: If the value is true it ignores the students without evidences, if the value is false it takes into account the students without evidences.


Student model of the group in distributed format.


DistributionMedea requestEvidences(String idStudentLR,          String idLRRequest, String concept, 
                                   List<String> idLRReportList, String urlOntology, Calendar date, 
                                   int windowSize,              int windowType,     int method)


Get knowledge evidences of a student about a specific concept.


  • idLRRequest: ID of the Learning Resource which does the request.
  • idStudentLR: - Student ID.
  • concept: Concept ID.
  • idLRReportList:List of the learning resources (IDs) whose evidences will be returned.
  • urlOntology: URL of the concept Ontology (Owl).
  • date: Student Model date.
  • windowSize: Window size (days or evidences number, depending of the parameter windowType) which we assume that student's knowledge doesn't change.
  • windowType: Kind of window: 1 to window kind evidences number and 2 to window kind number of days.


List of evideces.


The ontology used to specify the topics and their relationships must be an owl ontology such as this:


<owl:Class rdf:about="http://example.com/SAMUEL.owl#Concept">

<Concept rdf:about="#ID1">
  <rdfs:label>IHD_01 - Instalaciones y equipos del HOGAR DIGITAL</rdfs:label>

<Concept rdf:about="#ID2">
  <rdfs:label>Conexión a servicios externos de comunicación en el hogar digital</rdfs:label>
  <dcterms:isPartOf rdf:resource="#ID1"/>
  <rdf:type rdf:resource="http://example.com/SAMUEL.owl#Concept"/>

<Concept rdf:about="#ID6">
  <rdfs:label>Infraestructuras comunes de telecomunicaciones ICT</rdfs:label>
  <dcterms:isPartOf rdf:resource="#ID2"/>
  <rdf:type rdf:resource="http://example.com/SAMUEL.owl#Concept"/>

<Concept rdf:about="#ID7">
  <rdfs:label>Instalaciones de fibra óptica</rdfs:label>
  <dcterms:isPartOf rdf:resource="#ID2"/>
  <rdf:type rdf:resource="http://example.com/SAMUEL.owl#Concept"/>

<Concept rdf:about="#ID3">
  <rdfs:label>Red de comunicación en el hogar digital</rdfs:label>
  <dcterms:isPartOf rdf:resource="#ID1"/>
  <rdf:type rdf:resource="http://example.com/SAMUEL.owl#Concept"/>

<Concept rdf:about="#ID8">
  <rdfs:label>Infraestructuras básicas de red local</rdfs:label>
  <dcterms:isPartOf rdf:resource="#ID3"/>
  <rdf:type rdf:resource="http://example.com/SAMUEL.owl#Concept"/>

<Concept rdf:about="#ID9">
  <rdfs:label>Instalación y configuración de redes de área local LAN</rdfs:label>
  <dcterms:isPartOf rdf:resource="#ID3"/>
  <rdf:type rdf:resource="http://example.com/SAMUEL.owl#Concept"/>

<rdf:Description rdf:about="#ID9">
  <dcterms:requires rdf:resource="#ID8"/>


Where Concept is the class representing a topic, rdf:about is the topic id, rdfs:label is the topic name, dcterms:isPartOf is the topic-subtopic relationship pointing to the parent concept id and vcard:SORT-STRING is the order of the topic (between topics of same level, ie bothers topics). Also, if you want to specify prerequisites relationship you can do it by dcterms:requires element, indicating the id of the required concept. So, the urlOntology parameter of above operations must be a link to one owl ontology with this format.

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